Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Brutal Bad Cops Have to Pay

I don't think I can sit idly by complaining and ranting on Twitter about bad cops savagely violating the civil and human rights of plainly innocent people. 

This constant flow of police abuse roils my gut and makes me sick with bile and pent up anger.

No more tweets. It is time for action.

These malicious abusers have to be stopped. If an un-arrested, un-tried, un-convicted citizen dies or is injured at the hands of police, then the law should PRESUME the police committed a crime, with only narrow and strictly construed defenses allowed.

Awful, vicious abusers of state power, with ex post facto planted guns and drugs, backed by false reports, protected by their willfully lying coworkers and clueless employers, who quote internal policies as if they were actually law, will have to pay and pay dearly.

Just look at this sickening body cam video of a vicious, power-mad cop brutally assaulting a guy just hanging out on his mom's porch.

After getting beat down for being black, the cop charged the victim with assaulting an officer. The assault victim was charged! He definitely got his face in the way of the cop's fist.

This is just so wrong.

The district prosecutor, Howard Neumann (Alfred E. Neumann's brother?) said a cop can do whatever he wants!? He couldn't see a crime by the cop. Are you kidding? Where can I get some of these beat, taser, and kill people and then get paid leave rules?

The full story is here, at the Washington Post.

What rulebook applies to cops? Not the one the rest of us, who are supposed to be presumed innocent, get. That is clear. And it has to change.

This finally makes me mad enough to sue someone. Hard. And repeatedly.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Boss Steals From His Employees to Line His Own Pockets.

Imagine two restaurants. Right next to each other. On the same block.

Both serve food and alcohol. Both employ cooks, wait staff and dishwashers.

There is equal foot traffic and signage, and neither restaurant is any worse in any outward way than the other.

But one of their owners seems to be making a lot more money.

The other is keeping the lights on, paying the bills, and making a living. But he isn't flashing big stacks. What gives?

One of them isn't paying his employees even minimum wage. He isn't paying payroll taxes, Social Security contributions, unemployment insurance or workers compensation. He's stealing wages from his employees. Current wages, future benefits, and by failing to pay into the employees' funds, the safety of Social Security.

If someone working for the wage thief gets fired or laid off, and they apply for unemployment insurance, they'll find they were never recorded as employed. They will discover their boss never paid unemployment insurance taxes.

     "Sorry, no unemployment benefits for you."

Or pray for good fortune if an employee slices open a finger, or slips down some stairs. No workers compensation for that one. The boss never bothered paying those premiums, either. Better hope no infection sets in.

It happens. All. The. Time. Here is a real life example, a case my clients brought to recover unpaid wages: Hamilton v. Buck's 24-Hour Diner, LP