Thursday, June 4, 2015

Litigators gotta litigate

2014 saw my litigation practice suffer a bit. 2012 and 2013 were banner years, but last year it seemed that nobody was angry or cheated enough to sue. Or they just weren't interested in talking to a lawyer about it. This year? Much different.

Since January I have filed 4 unpaid overtime cases in federal court, and one, a mortgage loan officer case, is teed up to go. Mortgage loan officers are NOT exempt from minimum wage or overtime coverage.

Also in the just-about-to-be-filed pipeline is a clear failure-to-notify FMLA case. It amazes me how often the employers in these cases are health care providers. There is another FMLA case right behind this one, but its major claim is failure to reinstate. Either way, back wages, liquidated damages and attorney's fees are all available.

I haven't seen this much action in years and am grateful for my tax dollars being used to support a dispute resolution system for people who have few resources and little power.

If employers make employees angry enough or treat them unfairly long enough, then those employees will act. Employment laws passed by Congresses not so deeply in corporate pockets serve these underpaid or mistreated workers well.

Don't take it anymore. Call a lawyer.


Favorably settled the mortgage loan officer overtime case and both FMLA cases this year.  Still two more in play and I am looking for more. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.